
Abi Joy Samuel

NAME:  Abi Joy Samuel
PLATFORM & USERNAME:  Insta – @abijoysamuelart
CENSORSHIP:  Shadow & Content Ban

What reason was given for your ban?

Explicit content.

Why do you think your post(s) was censored?

I posted a drawing of a woman casually smoking and touching herself. The algorithms must have thought it was a real picture. Although the content was somewhat explicit, I personally didn’t think of it as pornographic. I was challenging our dainty views of women’s relationships with pleasure. It seems to be so taboo and “un-ladylike”. It was a still life of a woman relaxing in her room, nothing more.

I posted a headshot of myself after that and even that was removed!

Were you able to appeal and what was the response?

It’s hard to remember but I didn’t hear back if I did.

What effect has your experience of censorship had on you?

No one can find me on Instagram anymore. I can’t post a picture of my face without it being deleted. I am always on edge about having my account deleted. In general, it just intensifies the way in which we are made to feel about the female form, and our sexuality- something to be hidden/denied/overruled and controlled by the patriarchy.

What’s one thing you want people to know about this topic?

Instagram is a means to get noticed, but do try to diversify your social medias. Don’t rely on it 100% for an income. Find a way to get your followers to subscribe to your other platforms/website. It’s easier to paint the male form that it is the female form and not have it censored on social media.