Imogen Rolfe
NAME: Imogen Rolfe
PLATFORM & USERNAME: @imogenlrolfe
What reason was given for your ban?
Against community guidelines.
Why do you think your post(s) was censored?
Suggestive post, wording of caption, the algorithm or robot that takes down content got the wrong idea? Honestly I have no idea.
Were you able to appeal and what was the response?
I appealed and got zero response. However they did send me a download of all the data from my account and that was that.
What effect has your experience of censorship had on you?
It was really disheartening as I was steadily growing my account and art business during the pandemic and it was the one thing keeping me going.
It made me rethink everything I posted even though I never posted anything nude. It felt like I wasn’t able to have freedom of choice or speech on a platform that is saturated with all sorts of soft porn.
What’s one thing you want people to know about this topic?
It’s just another bump in the road and sometimes it’s good to start again.
Then again maybe social media is the death of art.