
Nicky/ Mr NPR

NAME: Nicky/ Mr NPR
CENSORSHIP: Shadow ban

What reason was given for your ban?

There is a Few. For liking too many pictures in the news feed, it declared me as spam. Another for blocking people like them bot sites that follow you I blocked about 30 in an hour and again deemed my account as spam. The latter is unknown but my social outreach and engagement have nose-dived ridiculously.

Why do you think your post(s) was censored?

Because they seek to stifle those that do not have over 30k following or pay for promotion of stories etc. Also because I always speak my mind in the report boxes. Possibly because a few jealous people reporting image’s as not right for Insta. It’s fine for a lot of female accounts to show a lot of skin but I have some really good artistic bodyscape duos reported that got taken down. I then made a new account and kept it commercial and this followed the same pattern.

Were you able to appeal and what was the response?

Yes. Deemed inappropriate for Instagram yet I have found content way worse than any of my old posts

What effect has your experience of censorship had on you?

Just engagement drastically dropped and my followers can sometimes not see my posts show up at all on the news feed.

What’s one thing you want people to know about this topic?

Be you. Try to forget that Instagram is just social media if they drop your engagement and you suffer via the algorithm now deeming your account as spam it doesn’t really matter it’s not real. We all like to have our content liked but as long as you enjoy the content you make and you just enjoy posting forget about the want for 1000s of comments and likes if your post comes over to just a hand full of accounts that you inspire or get a compliment from then that is your job done. We do what we do because we enjoy it not because we do it to post or brag about it.